

Fundacja Edukacyjna „Perspektywy” potwierdza, że Niepubliczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr 81 SGH jest wśród 100 najlepszych liceów w Polsce sklasyfikowanych w Rankingu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych PERSPEKTYWY 2023 i przysługuje mu tytuł „Złotej Szkoły 2023”.

The Warsaw School of Economics' Secondary School

The Warsaw School of Economics' Secondary School was established by the WSE Senate on the 1st September 2000. Since 1st September 2006, the School has been run by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education.

The School aims not only at providing education of the highest level but also at developing knowledge in economics and social science of young people as well as their socio-economic sensibility. The School attempts also to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world – so that they fluently speak foreign languages, were able to gain and use their knowledge on their own, were sufficiently prepared for studying at a university and were admitted to the major they wish to study, which would enable them to develop their interests and passions. Under the auspices of the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education and in cooperation with of the Warsaw School of Economics, the Secondary School develops its curriculum offer and raises the level of education.

The pedagogical staff consists of highly skilled teachers, among them many WSE’s scientific employees. Moreover, the Secondary School can be proud of its high teaching effectiveness – its graduates study at prestigious Polish and foreign universities. In addition, the Secondary School offers a motivational system of scientific scholarship for the students achieving high results.

The Warsaw School of Economics' Secondary School
(Niepubliczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr 81 SGH)

al. Niepodległości 162,
III floor
02-554 Warszawa
tel./fax 22 564 78 13
e-mail: liceum@sgh.waw.pl

The administration office is open: 8.00-15.30.
